Monday, September 28, 2020

Blogging Again?

Wanted to see if Blogspot is still alive and easier to use than before. I last posted in 2017! Almost 4 years ago, and even before that I wasn't posting anything much.

Because if it is, I might just continue this Blog. I have so much fun reading all the old stories and looking through pictures. If you haven't noticed, these two above have grown and flown the coop, and I've missed many stories in between.

Also, as they were teenagers, I didn't want to keep posting about them and compromise their privacy. I don't know why I was even concerned about that because they post everything themselves anyway on Snapchat and Tiktok...

So let me see if Blogger has updated and is easier to use, and see also if I have anything to say. :O

Till the next few years... (jkjk)


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